How To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Health & Fitness

High blood pressure or hypertension is not uncommon, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be worried. While it is a condition that is present in a majority of people (1 out of 3), it is as deadly as any rare disease. As a matter of fact, it is dubbed as the silent killer.

It has no major symptoms. Anything that points to it can be easily disregarded such as nausea and headache. However, when it reaches advance stages, it can immediately result to a stroke or a heart attack with no prior notice.

As early as possible, be wary of your blood pressure. Get regular diagnostic checkups paired with blood pressure lowering tips. 

Exercise More

The average person sits down for more than 6 hours a day. It can be attributed to the advancement of technology which has revolutionized how we do recreational activity. Not to mention the nature of most jobs today.

With so much inactivity, the heart becomes weaker. As a result, pumping blood becomes harder to maintain, putting a lot of strain on it and the blood vessels.

Exercise helps with lowering blood pressure as per the research by Mayo Clinic. Increasing your physical activity is so effective that it is scientifically proven to have the lowering effect equivalent to some blood pressure medications. It is advised to get 40-minute sessions three to four times a week to see the best results.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your jogging shoes, run those flight of stairs, or better yet, opt for walking when you have the choice. Remember, no amount of exercise is bad.

Lose Weight 

Most overweight people tend to have higher blood pressure. The reason behind this is that more fat translates to more vascular resistance. In simple terms, your blood vessels are being constricted by your very own body, making it harder to pump blood.

The narrower your vessels are, the higher the blood pressure needed to supply every part of the body. In addition, having a much bigger body means that your heart has to work double-time to keep up with the higher demand.

So, if you are either overweight or obese, losing weight should be one of the things you should be looking at. However, if you have the right weight, there is no need to lose any because the culprit is likely something different.

Cut Down Sodium Intake

One of the biggest triggers of high blood pressure is sodium. The body tends to hold more water to wash off the salt which results in added weight. And you already know how weight affects blood pressure.

This tendency is called salt sensitivity, characterized as the body’s tendency to experience high blood pressure from a sodium load. While various people react differently from salt, people with hypertension usually experience this effect.

Staying away from sodium doesn’t necessarily mean lessening the salt you put into your cooking. Instead, it also includes staying away from processed food since they excessively contain it for preservation. You also want to be wary of low-fat foods as well because it compensates with salt and sugar.

Stop Smoking

While smoking can feel relieving, it actually makes your blood pressure rise up. The effects are immediate but temporary.

Unfortunately, long term effects do happen for frequent smokers. The main culprit is the chemicals in tobacco as they damage your vessel walls. The more damaged they get, the more inflamed they become and that narrows them down.

With narrow blood passageways, the heart has to work double-time to pump the necessary blood needed by the body.

Reduce Stress

There are a lot of sources of stress in everyday life, from the family all the way to work. It’s so abundant that even if the effects of stress are temporary, you are bound to experience high blood pressure throughout the day.

More importantly, it is important to take a look at the indirect effects of stress. It causes you to find an emotional outlet that can sometimes be bad for your health and weight, such as drinking, overeating, and smoking.

So, when you can, try to cut down your stress levels. Seek a therapist to manage overthinking and anxiety. Practice yoga and other calming activities that will help you stick to a healthier lifestyle when things do start getting bad.


There are plenty of blood pressure medications that can help relieve the symptoms of blood pressure but there are also plenty of natural ways that we will be discussing in this article.

Blood pressure is usually an overlooked health aspect. Mainly attributed by the fact that there are no symptoms that are detrimental to daily routine. However, when everything is just right, it can turn all your lights off.

So, even if everything is alright, follow these five tips to further stray away from the possibility of high blood pressure. Additionally, you are going to experience immediate changes to your quality of life.

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